Stopped loading articles. I had to delete it and download again.
Stopped loading articles. I had to delete it and download again.
Love Shane smith and all his people over at Vice!! They got balls of steal and will go anywhere to report the news how it should be reported. There is no corporate influenced reporting on what they want you to hear with these guys.. Its the cold, hard and sometimes brutal, truth which is hard to come by these days.. Its quite refreshing actually.
Spacing in the articles is all messed up, please fix
Why is everyother word squishedtogether? Doyou not knowwhat a spacebaris? See how annoying that was to read? Get some competent copy editors already.
Can you guys please fix the fact there are no spaces between every 6th or 7th word? Its really annoying and its been going on for a while.
Easy to navigate. Well organized. Missing push notifications and updating for iPhone 6/6 Plus screen size.
Would like a search function. Great app otherwise.
I like the app, but I would like it better if it would stop asking for location. I wont allow it to check for location, so please add a preference so I can disable this nagging behavior.
Having issues reading the article. Can see the top picture, but when I try to scroll down all I get is a black box with no text. Has been happening since Wednesday. Thanks
Theres no subtitles or even the option to display subtitles when watching episodes that have non English languages spoken in them.
I couldnt read it. Theres no article.
The fifth star will be for the localized version!
App is good but we want VICE Italy implementation!
Italyyyyyyy ❤️
Dear Vice, you had a good thing going there for awhile until those Vaseline ads ruined the whole thing. Cant stand scrolling through your stories with some dumb ad popping up over and over again like some sellout time warp of craptastic proportions. Ease up on the invasive experience your sponsors present to us.
The app got busted a couple of days ago, and would not show anything now. Has become completely useless.
Nothing loads. Just a blank page with the logo.
Vice is great, and I cant offer much criticism if this app other than to say that it desperately needs a search function.
Just comes up with a functioning header and no content. :( iPhone 6+ iOS 8.1
Nothing was loading after updating iOS (cant remember which version) Reinstalling the app fixed the problem just now.