This app cant seem to properly space words so many are stuck together, making reading a very annoying experience. This is a reading app after all, so they need to solve the basics of a space between every word.
This app cant seem to properly space words so many are stuck together, making reading a very annoying experience. This is a reading app after all, so they need to solve the basics of a space between every word.
Fix the issue with the run-on words. Surely youre aware of this...
Like some of the other reviews state, thespacingis awful and itis really hard to read.
There is a problemwith your app. It seems torandomly excludespaces which makes it difficult, nowait, impossible tocomprehend. I was hopingit would be noticed and fixed butinstead it justlingers and rendersthe entireapp unuseable. Fix itplease.
The writers behind this use language they condemn in previous articles. I used to love vice, but do not enjoy the news they barely provide anymore.
Please please please add a feature that saves content from the latest refresh of the app until the next one so we can read your brilliant and delectable articles while we are riding the subway, out of mobile range, etc. See Slates app for an example of this feature. Love the content itself but this would be a huge improvement on the mobile app!
i love vice news and i love this app :)
Great app, but Id love to view videos from the app on chromecast.
So much more convenient than trying to read pieces in the mobile browser. Its great being able to access it easily anywhere. A bookmark function would be cool, though, so I could come back to pieces later or save my favorites.
great app. However, Im not sure if all the pictures in articles in the photos section are loading.
Shows a circular, white refresh symbol in all sections... tried changing regions, quitting the app, rebooting phone, so its either a mobile app or backend issue, but either way "it doesnt work"(tm). Please fix it, guys and gals... its so painfully close to being awesome... like when a 2 hr download quits at 99%.
I found a vice video that didnt play through safari on my iPhone, so I downloaded this app to see if it would play through it. I ended up not even being able to even find the video.
Whenever I click an article it automatically redirects me to the app store to buy a random app. I think the ad network is hijacking this app
How do you only have 8 reviews? Way to skew the media monopoly at least ever so slightly. Cheers! App so clean clean... Lets save the world. I will send in soon!
I love Vice, always have, and Ive loved their app up until recently. Every time I am reading an article, I am interrupted by a video ad that I never even pressed play on. Furthermore there seems to be some issues with certain words getting cut off or omitted from the articles, and doesnt seem to be the case with their website version of the same article. I really want to like the app, but those two issues are killing it for me. Please fix!
People need to download this Vice app, rather then FoxNews app, or CNN app. Real & Raw news!
Decent app that Ive honest spent an hour browsing. Yet these Tremmé ads are going to force me to uninstall. Super annoyed
I used to really enjoy this app, but the video ads are so aggressive its to the point I am unable to even scroll and choose a story to read. Bummed. My use of the app has declined considerable since these new video ads have been added. Find a new medium to advertise Vice! Your app is becoming as bad as the click bait articles on Facebook.... Anything to make a buck though I guess, even if it does prevent your readers from actually reading...
Please make vice apps for iPad! I love vice and dont have an iPhone but I do have an iPad and the app is great just consider iPads also.... Thanks
The ads pop up and stop you from scrolling through the articles and/or reading them. Also the articles seem to have stopped loading all together. Great job you made the app worse since the last update.